marketing - 2025-03-25

600+ Directories & Websites to submit your startup to

We've spent some time organizing a list of directories that you can directly submit your startup to in order to gain more traffic and backlinks.The list is published by us as a simple Google Spreadsheet free of charge for anyone that might want to use it.

The list itself is combined from a variety of sources and most of its data has been validated and curated by us. The DR is aggregated for some of the entries using ahrefs or linkassist. Unfortunately, some of the domains gave inconsistent data so we decided to leave their DR out for now until the time we revise the list.

The full list can be found here: Google Sheet

List sample:

Name Fee DR URL
Product Hunt free 91
G2 free 90
Good Firms free 85
Getapp free 84
Appsumo free 82
Indie Hackers free 80
Stackshare free 80
Alternativeto free 79
Software Suggest free 77
... ... ... ...
Entrepreneur's Network
Startup Chat

Before you submit to these directories and websites, remember that your life would be a whole lot easier if you gather all the needed information ahead of time. Prepare a ~60 character title, slogan, product description, some images and links to your socials. Once you have all of that, fire away and start getting listed.

Enjoy and good luck!

//The Lorenum Team

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